Visa, driving licence, SIA card, CSCS card, you name it we can take it!
Image Printing
Passport Photos
Product Description
We offer a comprehensive passport photo service. Just drop in, no appointment necessary.
We’ll take your photo, size it and print it in a matter of minutes for all passports, visas, driving licence, security cards and travel passes..
A standard 35mmx45mm sized photo for UK passports, driving licenses, oyster cards and many more applications is just £4.99 for a set of six printed photos.
A 51mmx51mm photo for US visa, Indian visa and more costs only £6.99 for 4 copies.
Custom sized photos for any other application are also available at £4.99 for a set of two.
If you require a custom size for a specific document for example an Indian Birth Registration form, then we can help with this too.
Applying online?
The pre-approved code for a UK passport is only £9.99 and it comes with a downloadable copy for future use too!
Digital file photos for other applications also available for £6.99
Our trained team will ensure your photo is taken to the best of their ability including photos for newborn babies. Since we’re conveniently located just near Ilford station, we can also take photographs for wheelchair users, the elderly or less mobile individuals too.
Where to find us in Ilford
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